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✍️ Opshell
📆 Last Updated:9/3/2024Created:2024/08/10
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🏷️ typescript

enum 按鍵使用實例

  1. 用enum列舉常用modules的參數類別
  2. 權限表弄enum
  3. 產品如果需要快捷鍵支援的話,也會做這種類似MOUSE、方向鍵、keydown之類操作(策略模式+enum)
enum Key {
  UP = "ArrowUp",
  DOWN = "ArrowDown",
  LEFT = "ArrowLeft",
  RIGHT = "ArrowRight",
  Q = "Q",
  W = "W",
  E = "E",
  R = "R",

const handleUp = () => {
  console.log("Move up");

const handleDown = () => {
  console.log("Move down");

const handleLeft = () => {
  console.log("Move left");

const keyStrategies: { [key in Key]: () => void } = {
  [Key.UP]: handleUp,
  [Key.DOWN]: handleDown,
  [Key.LEFT]: handleLeft,
  [Key.RIGHT]: handleRight,
  [Key.Q]: handleQ,
  [Key.W]: handleW,
  [Key.E]: handleE,
  [Key.R]: handleR,

const handleKeydown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
  const key = event.key as Key;
  if (key in keyStrategies) {
  1. 後端比較常用來列舉狀態或錯誤類型,例如某個資料的 type 種類、某個 service 會 throw 的錯誤類型等等。 前端我後來比較常用 defineConstants,具體作法
  2. 狀態控管用 ENUM
  3. 系統內應該會有不少需要判別字串是否符合某些POOL的條件,這就是enum的用意

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