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✍️ Opshell
📆 Last Updated:9/23/2024Created:2024/09/21
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今天進入 Stage 4 啦,VitePress 除了提供自訂 layout 以外,也提供對預設 layout 的擴充,今天我們就來擴充預設的 layout 吧。

新增 Expand Layout Component

我們一樣在 docs/.vitepress/theme/layout 裡面添加 expandLayout.vue

<script setup lang="ts">
    import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme';
    import { useData } from 'vitepress';

    const { Layout } = DefaultTheme;

    const { frontmatter, page } = useData();

    const lastUpdated = computed(() => {
        // 把 page.value.lastUpdated 從時間戳轉換成 西元年月日
        const timestamp = page.value.lastUpdated as number;

        return `${timestamp > 0 ? new Date(timestamp).toLocaleDateString() : ''}`;


都已經講到了擴充預設 layout 了,我們就來說說 useData 吧,VitePress 提供了一些全域範圍的輔助函數其中就包刮了 useData ,用來方便在 Vue Component 或者 .md 裡面使用,快速取得資料。

useData 的類型長這樣:

interface VitePressData<T = any> {
   * 站点级元数据
  site: Ref<SiteData<T>>
   * .vitepress/config.js 中的 themeConfig
  theme: Ref<T>
   * 页面级元数据
  page: Ref<PageData>
   * 页面 frontmatter
  frontmatter: Ref<PageData['frontmatter']>
   * 动态路由参数
  params: Ref<PageData['params']>
  title: Ref<string>
  description: Ref<string>
  lang: Ref<string>
  isDark: Ref<boolean>
  dir: Ref<string>
  localeIndex: Ref<string>

interface PageData {
  title: string
  titleTemplate?: string | boolean
  description: string
  relativePath: string
  filePath: string
  headers: Header[]
  frontmatter: Record<string, any>
  params?: Record<string, any>
  isNotFound?: boolean
  lastUpdated?: number

Layout Slots

資料已經透過 useData 取得了,那要怎麼放進頁面中呢?

預設主題的 <Layout> 設計了一些插槽,可以在特定的頁面位置加入內容

    <Layout :class="[frontmatter.class]">
        <template #doc-before>
            <div class="info-box">
                <span class="info">✍️ {{ || 'Opsehll' }}</span>
                <div v-if="lastUpdated !== '' || frontmatter.createdAt" class="date-box">
                    <span v-if="lastUpdated !== ''">Last Updated:{{ lastUpdated }}</span>
                    <span v-if="frontmatter.createdAt">Created:{{ frontmatter.createdAt }}</span>

                <div v-if="frontmatter.tags" class="tag-box">
                        v-for="tag in frontmatter.tags"
                    >{{ tag }}</a>

覆蓋預設 Layout

expandLayout.vue 做完之後,在 docs/.vitepress/theme/index.ts 中覆蓋:

import { DefineComponent, h } from 'vue';
import { Theme, useRoute } from 'vitepress';
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme-without-fonts';

import ExpandLayout from './layout/expandLayout.vue'; 

export default {
    Layout: ExpandLayout, 
    Layout: () => { 
        return h(DefaultTheme.Layout, null, { 

    enhanceApp({ app }) {
        app.component('resume', LayoutResume);
} satisfies Theme;

除了直接做一個 vue 元件覆蓋以外,當然也可以用渲染函數來處理:

import { h } from 'vue';
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme';
import ArticleInfoComponent from './articleInfoComponent.vue';

export default {
    extends: DefaultTheme,
    Layout() {
        return h(DefaultTheme.Layout, null, {
            'doc-before': () => h(ArticleInfoComponent)


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